
Sunday, August 17, 2014

Some Recipes For Cat Food


The ingredients are:

1 cup whole wheat flour

1 teaspoon catnip

1/3 cup milk

1/3 cup powdered milk

2 tablespoon butter or vegetable oil

1/4 cup Soy flour

Some Recipe Food for Your Cat


The primary ingredients are:

·         1 egg yolk

·         1 small trout fillet

·         3 tablespoon oatmeal

·         1 tablespoon vegetable oil

The first step now is to preheat the oven to 350 degrees.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Should you be using food to train your dog?

Have you ever asked yourself whether or not using food is cheating when training your dog? If you have, then I can promise you that you are not alone. It’s something that many people never actually get clear in their minds and yet it is one of the most powerful topics to understand and also very simple to master!

What I am about to explain in this article will almost certainly surprise you but also make total sense. It will contradict some of the things that you have heard through the grapevine, but getting tips from other dog owners at the park is not always the best place to get your dog training advice from. Once
you have read this I’m sure that both you and your dog will have a better understanding and appreciation for each other.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Don’t Let Cat Urinating Become A Problem In Your Home

Do you own a cat? If you do, then you know what a wonderful and rewarding experience it can truly be. But, you probably don’t like the messed you have to clean up once in a while, especially if you have a cat urinating on carpets and furniture. This is a habit that can be a lifelong one if you don’t do something to nip it in the bud as soon as possible. Usually, it is something that is just behavioral, and something that can be fixed, with a little bit of patience.

Best Way To Stop Your Cat From Spraying

By Kimberly Aita

Anytime your cat backs himself up to a door or other object in your house, lifts his tail, and releases urine – you have a problem. Commonly called spraying, it is a problem seen mainly with indoor cats. Even though it is a very annoying problem, it’s a problem that can be solved.

Your Cat Can Still Live A Long and Healthy Lilfe

By : by Patti Mendenson;  

Cats reign supreme when it comes to being among the most popular pets in North America. While providing years of companionship, cats are also one of the most loving of pets. Regrettably, from time to time cats like all other animals can become ill. Feline deabetes is one of many different types of ailments that can affect your cat. A very serious disease, feline diabetes can be controlled when treated by your veterinarian.

Sunday, August 3, 2014

How to stop your dogs digging

So what’s the score with my dogs digging? I hear you asking… Why are they doing it and how do I stop them destroying my beautiful back garden? Well here’s the way your dog see’s it and its very different from how you think! In fact it will answer a lot of your questions. Firstly though here’s what your dogs digging is not. Your dogs digging is not their attempt to annoy you, wind you up or simply ruin your new flower garden out of spite.

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Be the Pack Leader Your Dog Wants You To Be

In this post I want to explain two very important facts about your dog...The first is about whether or not you really need to be the pack leader. And the second is whether the pack leader is aggressive in their behavior.For example, is it necessary to beat your chest, shout and 
smack your dog in order to become the top dog.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Training your puppy to come at the park

It all sounds so simple in theory…You call your puppy and they come to your feet, then you reward them and that should be it. The Recall! 

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Barking dogs, Understanding it and dealing with it

Some owners seem to want their dogs to stop barking, period: a good dog is a quiet dog, and the only time that barking’s permitted is when there’s a man in a black balaclava and stripy prison outfit, clutching a haversack marked ‘Swag’, clambering in through your bedroom window.

Licking: affectionate, disconcerting, or just plain disgusting?

For us humans, it can be a bit difficult to identify with the doggie habit of licking one another in greeting. We don’t do it, after all, and though our tongues come in handy for things like ice-cream eating and sucking that last dollop of peanut butter off the knife, we certainly wouldn’t welcome a visitor into our home by giving them a long, lingering lick on the cheek (unless you were brought up to embrace certain social mores currently unheard of in Western society).

Separation Anxiety

Separation Anxiety Separation anxiety is one of the most common problems that dogs develop. It’s an anxiety disorder, and is defined as a state of intense panic brought on by the dog’s isolation/separation from her owner(s).

In other words: when you leave for work in the morning, your dog is plunged into a state of nervous anxiety which intensifies extremely quickly.

Recognizing, preventing, and handling dog aggression

A dog is an instinctively aggressive creature.

In the wild, aggression came in very handy: dogs needed aggression to hunt, to defend themselves from other creatures, and to defend resources such as food, a place to sleep, and a mate. Selective breeding over the centuries has minimized and refined this trait significantly, but there’s just no getting around it: dogs are physically capable of inflicting serious harm (just look at those teeth!) because that’s how they’ve survived and evolved.

And Mother Nature is pretty wily – it’s hard to counteract the power of instinct!

Destructive Chewing

The act of chewing seems to be a matter of individual preference among dogs: some have an innate desire to chew as a pleasurable activity in itself, and some seem to have no need to chew whatsoever unless they’re driven to it out of sheer boredom.

The phrase “destructive chewing” may sound redundant, because – by its very nature! – all chewing is destructive. Your dog has strong jaws full of sharp, pointy teeth: just about anything she starts to chew on is probably going to show the effects of it inside of a minute. So just to clarify, when I use the phrase “destructive chewing”, I’m referring to inappropriate chewing: the kind of chewing that’s focused on your own possessions and household items, instead of on your dog’s own designated toys and chews.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

The 3 Things You Must Do To Stop Your Cat Peeing On The Carpet

If you want to avoid having to spend hundreds of dollars on new bedding and carpeting due to your cat peeing outside the litter box, this article might just contain the answers you’re looking for.
I will discuss how medical issues, chemical attraction and psychological stress are the 3 most common factors in cases of inappropriate urination in cats. By learning about these 3 factors, you’ll be able to take steps to re-training your cat to use the litter box before any more damage is done.
The very first thing that you absolutely MUST do is bring your cat in to see your veterinarian. A cat that is having medical issues such as a urinary tract infection or kidney disease is most likely to try to send you a message by peeing on your bed or carpet.

3 Astonishingly Simple Ways To Stop Your Cat Peeing On The Bed

A cat that pees on your bed instead of in the litter box is every cat owner’s nightmare. In this article, I will talk about 3 simple things that you can do today that can potentially end this problem tomorrow.
Number one on your priority list should bebringing your cat in to the vet. A cat with a medical condition is a serious issue and time is of the essence.

Monday, July 7, 2014

Cat Peeing Everywhere? The Solution Is Easier Than You Might Think

If you’re trying to stop your cat peeing everywhere, this article will show you how to save yourself a lot of trouble and even a lot of money. I will introduce you to 3 major factors that can cause cats to abandon their litter box and how you can put a stop to it sometimes as fast as overnight.

Cat Odor Removal

The smell is unmistakable. Sometimes it can be so strong it can make your eyes water. It’s enough to drive anyone crazy and to go to any length to research cat odor removal.

I have extensive experience with cleaning cat urine from carpets, bedspreads, clothing… you name it. I have had many cats over the years and a few of them were notorious for being “sneaky leakers”.

I won’t get into the causes for inappropriate urination in this article as you can find plenty of information about that elsewhere on

However, if your cat is peeing outside the litter box, please get him to the vet ASAP. It is of vital importance as if your cat has a urinary tract infection, time is of the essence.

Ok, so how do we go about cat odor removal?

I’m a bit frugal myself, I must admit so I use a bit of a homemade recipe that consists of the following:

1 quart of  3% hydrogen peroxide
A teaspoon of dish soap
1/4 cup baking soda
I recommend mixing these ingredients together (carefully) and putting in a plastic spray bottle.

You can then douse the urine soaked area and let it completely dry. You want to be sure to test the area first for color fastness as I’m sure you’re aware of what effect hydrogen peroxide can have on fabrics.

Another tip that I find helps is to use a blacklight.

This will help show you where the urine is so you can do a better job of completely soaking the area. Try putting some painter’s tape around the area so that when you turn the lights back on, you can easily see where to clean.

Check more information about this HERE

Spraying Cats – Why They Do It

In a lot of cases, when a cat stops using the litterbox to urinate, owners often think the cat is spraying. Although this can often be the case, it is certainly not the rule.

There is a key difference between a cat that is spraying and one that is urine marking.

Urinary Tract Infections In Cats

A cat with a urinary tract infection (UTI) is a very serious issue. When a cat is suffering from a UTI, they will very often avoid their litter box and either urinate or spray around your house.

The reason your cat does this is that he is associating the pain he’s feeling when urinating with litter box. Your cat will often avoid peeing until she can no longer hold it and have to go wherever she is when it’s “too late”.

How To Stop A Cat Urinating On Carpet

The very first thing you must do if your cat is urinating on your carpet is get him or her to the vet.

It is of vital importance that you do this. It is quite common for cats to get what is called a urinary tract infection (UTI) and if it is not caught and treated in time, it can very quickly lead to death.

Remove Cat Urine From Carpet

There are many products available on the market today for removing cat urine from carpet. The question is, are any of them worth the money?

Cat Urine Removal Tips

If there is one smell that is harder to get out than any other, it’s the smell of cat urine.

No matter how hard you try, it just seems like scrubbing it only makes matter worse.

How to Treat a Cat Bite

By Marry Mathews

As many as 40 percent of cat bites become infected and require medical care. This information is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice or treatment.

How to Tame a Feral Cat or Kitten!

With a little patience and time, a feral (or wild) cat
can be tamed into a loving pet.
Younger cats are more apt to adjust quickly:
6-to-8-week-old kittens typically take two to three
weeks to adjust to a domestic environment.

How to Trims Your Cat's Nail?

By Marry Mathews

Remember, if you don't trim your cat's nails, they will
find some way to scratch them down on their own... most likely
on your furniture! (This is less of an issue for outdoor cats).

How to Keep Your Cat Purring Into Advanced Old Age.

By Marry Mathews

1. Take your cat to the veterinarian at least once a year for a complete physical exam, and follow your veterinarian's advice regarding preventive health-care measures. Preventing disease and maintaining optimum health are the first steps toward a long, healthy life.

How to Prevent Your Cat from Chewing on Electrical Cords.

Chewing on electrical cords can burn or shock your cat, causing respiratory problems, cardiac arrest and even death. Cat's sharp teeth and their inquisitive nature can put your cat at high risk. This is especially an issue with kittens.

Here's what to do to:

How to Break up Cat Fight?

By Marry Mathews

Here are some tips on how to do it...

1. Avoid hitting the cats or getting your hands anywhere near their
mouths. Hitting could make the situation worse and could cause the
attack to be redirected toward you.

How to Teach Your Cats to Come when Called

To have your cat come when called by name is remarkably easy though it takes an understanding of the process. Here are some tips to get you started:

1. Talk to your cat as much as you can. Encourage her to come to you, and regularly pet her and brush her. Bonding is very important, cat massage, baths and generally being on good terms is important.

Training Your Dog To Listen To You

By Nancy Richards

Why Won't My Dog Listen To Me?

This is common question that most first-time dog owners ask me. Before I answer your question, let me ask you a few instead.

  • Do you use cookies, collars, head halters or clickers to make your dog listen to your commands?
  • Do you have to raise your voice every time you want your Dog to listen to you?
  • Does your dog always come or sit on command - anytime and anywhere you want him to?

If your answers are mostly in the negative, its time you seriously reconsider your role as a sincere dog trainer and an ideal pet parent.

Basic of Dog Training

For stay-at-home dog parents, or for that matter, all dog owners, it is essential you know certain basic factors that determine your relationship with your Dog and can go a long way in training him effectively.

Before you begin training your Dog, it is absolutely essential that you build a loving bond with him. This is important as it helps you to understand his needs and instincts and also allows your dog to have complete trust in you.

Sunday, July 6, 2014

How To Switch To The Raw Food Diet For Dogs Who Are Picky Eaters

To get some dogs to switch to a raw food diet will challenge your creativity. But you know you need to persevere because it’s for the good of your dog. Fortunately, there are some tips out there that will help you help your dog adjust to this new and healthier diet.

How To Wean Puppies To A Raw Dog Food Diet

Starting dogs early on a raw dog food diet will allow them to gain the most benefit from this type of diet. If you can get them on this type of diet from puppy-hood, that would be the best. That will make sure they get all the nutrients they need in a form that their bodies are fully equipped to handle. That is why I strongly advocate weaning your puppies to a raw food diet as soon as this becomes possible.

Why Your Dog Is Vomiting And Having Diarrhea After Switching To A Raw Dog Food Diet

Have you just switched your dog from a commercial food diet to a raw dog food diet? Have you noticed loose stools and vomiting in your dog? It could be going through a detoxification period.

Detoxification happens because your dog’s body is being cleansed from its previous diet. It’s a normal part of switching. How long it lasts can vary depending on how many toxins your dog has in his system. But typically it starts within 1 to 2 days of switching to a raw food diet and lasts a few days. In some dogs, detoxification has been known to last for a few weeks, although I would advice having your dog checked by a vet if vomiting and diarrhea persists for more than a week.

Excessive Barking: What It Means and How To Cope

By Daniel Stevens and Martin Olliver
There are guaranteed to be some occasions when your dog's barking is going to be inconvenient, but this doesn't mean that you have to view your dog's vocalization as an intolerable irritation. You could choose to look at it more constructively: your dog is trying to communicate with you. In order to cope with and control excessive barking, you need to understand what the reason is – and then take steps to remove the stimulus.

Stop Your Puppy Jumping Up

Learning how to stop a puppy from jumping up is something you need to get onto straight away.

Puppies jumping up are a very natural thing that they do when they are little – to get attention – and in the wild to get fed by licking the Mother’s face to encourage food to be regurgitated. Showing your puppy that it does not get attention when it jumps is something that you should encourage from a very early age. Often it can seem like fun when a puppy is very small but when your dog grows to 35kg and can jump 5 foot high it is not so funny.

Older Dog Toileting Inside

So your older dog is toileting inside and you don’t understand why? Okay. Let me explain. First of all I should confirm that what we are talking about here is a dog that has already been toilet trained and has achieved this for a considerable period of time say more than 6 months. We also need to be sure that the dog is not so old that it is incontinent or sick. If none of the above are the case and you feel that it is behavioral then I can assure you it most likely is and the problem is simply this.

My Dog Doesn’t Come When I Call

One of the most common complaints is “my dog doesn’t come when I call”.

Training the recall is one of the funniest of all dog-training exercises because we do so much completely wrong! Let me explain.

This is what we want to achieve: When we call our dog “here Bella” we want Bella to come sprinting as fast as she can to us.

How To Stop Your Puppy Toileting Inside

There are a few secrets to toilet training although much of the emphasis will always rest with you! Here are the facts about puppy toilet training:

Just as when a baby needs to go toilet they go, so it is with puppies - when a puppy needs to go they will go! So to start with you have to get them outside before they toilet inside. That is your job! If you fail, then blame yourself.

How To Stop Your Dog From Pulling

Understanding how to stop your dog from pulling is something that every dog owner needs to overcome in order to be able to walk there dog in an enjoyable manor. Many dog behavioral problems also stem from the fact that the dog is dragging you along the street. To put it simply your dog thinks it is in charge of the walk or in dog terms it sees itself as the pack leader!

How To Stop Separation Anxiety

Separation anxiety is a very stressful behavioral issue that effects a huge percentage of the dog population, possibly as high as 14%. It is one of the most misunderstood issues with people trying to treat it by approaching it from a human point of view and failing to see the cause. The answer to how to stop separation is simple. Show your dog that you are the pack leader. Let me explain.

Saturday, July 5, 2014

How To Stop Dog Aggression

If you want to understand how to stop dog aggression let me start by asking you two rhetorical questions!

Firstly do YOU start the aggression with your dog simply joining in?
Secondly does your dog listen to you just before it behaves the way it does    when you try show it another way to behave?
The answer will of course be the following:
At the point your dog starts to become aggressive he is taking no notice at all of you.

Fearful Dogs

One of the saddest things is the number of people that misunderstand fearful dogs and in trying to make things better for their dogs they actually make it worse. Fearful dogs are nearly always lacking strong pack leaders, and their owners are often the kindest and gentlest people! They want nothing more than to see their dog live the kind of life that all the other dogs are living, happy, fun and free.

Dog Training Tips

There are a few real keys to dog training, whether you are trying to train your dog to come when called, sit, stop barking or any other behavior. Understanding their importance is critical to achieving rapid results that are long lasting and help develop the bond between you and your dog.

Become The Pack Leader

Of all the questions that people ask “how to become the pack leader” is the big one! This is by far the most important question how to convince your dog that you are the person in charge. Think of the pack leader as the decision maker - where you should go on the walk, how to behave in different situations and how to respond to all the strange things that are out there.